Monday, February 19, 2007

IF you ask me: Blue tooth ear pieces

It you ask me is a section where, when I don't have any questions to answer, I will answer my own questions. I have to do something until a get a reader or two.

Is it rude to where those Blue Tooth ear pieces ever where?

Absolutely! They are the most annoying things ever. Now, I do understand their purpose of them. They are sure nice to have when you are talking on the phone but, realize when you are walking around everywhere, people think that you are talking to yourself. Also, do you get so many calls that it must be on your ear at all time? They are not earrings, they are not decorative, they are just ugly.
Sadly, because of cell phones in general we are never really where we physically are. We are always talking to someone some place else. That means we are never really in the present.
How can we really get anywhere if we can never just be with ourselves. I see people furiously dialing people on their cell phones in their cars. They just can't be in your car with their thoughts. How will anyone know who they really are if they can not just be.
I say, it is time to leave your cell phone at home and just be where ever you are in the world. In the not too distant past, when you were not home, they couldn't get a hold of you. In the case of an emergency we used a pay phone or got help from a good Samaritan. How are we going to meet new people if we spend all of our time talking to people we already know. No wonder people are lonelier than ever.

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